Sunday 28 August 2016

What Kind of Content Should I Put Up

What Kind of Content Should I Put Up? 

Any kind you want, of course, since we’re talking about the internet.  But seriously, you’ll want to give this topic some consideration, since there’s more interest in some topics than others.

You know the people who are your audience, since ideally you’re talking about something you know about.  For instance, if you’re talking about Ultimate Frisbee, it’s because you play it.  So you know what other Ultimate people are like, and what they want to know and what they find entertaining.

Once you know that, you can decide about which types of content will best serve their needs and how to go about finding or creating it. Here are some general categories to get you started with your brainstorming:
• Editorials
• Feature articles
• Political opinion
• News stories
• Art galleries
• A conglomeration of the best content
• Reviews of movies, books, music
• Interviews
• Interactive features - polls, feedback,
discussion groups, forums, chat


Editorials are the opinion of someone who’s seen as an expert in the field-- (either you or a guest contributor).  This makes good content because people like to respond to it, either by agreeing with or opposing the writer. This can make for an exciting page, and you’ll probably have to moderate it.

Give your people a way to make their views known; put up a bulletin board or guest book on your site. People will come back to read other responses to their comments. And you can use this feedback from your audience by incorporating it into a follow up article in the future. 

For instance, is everybody complaining about a new government travel policy?  Do an article on it, since clearly that’s something people are talking about so they’ll want to read about it. 

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